May 15, 2011

Zombie PSN Lives - US and Canada Back Online, Europe Beginning Rollout Now

At roughly 3:00am Eastern time on 5/15/2011, a nearly month long nightmare for US and Canadian PS3 gamers finally came to an end.  While the Playstation Store is still MIA, the bulk of what makes the PSN the PSN is back and functioning.  As a test, I linked my Netflix account to the console and watched a few episodes of The League, and also linked my copy of Portal 2 to my Steam account and redeemed my code for my Mac copy of Portal 2.  All went without a hitch, including the Steam Cloud sync of my saves and trophies/Steam achievements.  One thing I noticed right away that made me say "Hmm" was that I didn't have to sync my trophies.  I was curious to see how many I'd earned while things were broke, so I logged into the website.  I was going to then sync to see what changed, but noticed Portal 2 already at the top of the list with 64%.  Don't know if this is a new feature, or part of the weirdness of the restart, but I'd take auto-syncing trophies as a new feature for sure.

As I was writing this Jeff Rubenstein tweeted the following:

Attention EU! RT @PlayStationEU: The phased rollout of certain PSN services has begun and we'll tweet when each territory goes back online.
5/15/11 10:25 AM

That's right European gamers, you're up!  Have fun across the pond everyone!

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