December 3, 2010

SPLODE AGAIN! Ms. Splosion Man Charring Scientists Soon

Joystiq reports that the Twisted Pixel crew is at work on a Splosion Man sequel of sorts.  Ms. Splosion Man, with a nod to Ms. Pac-Man, "carries on what we did with Splosion Man and adds more awesomeness" according to studio CCO Josh Bear.  Having sunk plenty of time into this game, and actually having "Donuts, Go Nuts!" on my iPod, I think that tells you the level of excitement I have for this game.  Unfortunately, no release window has been given yet.

UPDATE:  Fall 2011 is the date given for everyone to splode again.  Again, Joystiq has the coverage.  Also, check out the great trailer on the same page!

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