December 28, 2010

Now Playing: 12/27 - 1/2

DaringOne's Playlist:
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved - Xbox 360 Kinect
Dance Central - Xbox 360 Kinect
Kinect Adventures - Xbox 360 Kinect
Kinect Sports - Xbox 360 Kinect
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit - Xbox 360
Fable III - Xbox 360

Holy playlist Batman!  Well, I got Kinect and a truckload of stuff to go with it, so the PS3 is collecting some dust and it's time to put the Kinect thoroughly through its paces.

Your Shape: Fitness Evolved - So far, this "game" is as expected.  Get a good workout, and it's not perfect in telling you if you're right in doing whatever the exercise is.  I'll say this, this 31 year old body couldn't play it two days in a row.

Dance Central - Of all the games that should have video capture and share, this should be it.  Sadly, it doesn't.  I had a few people over recently, and I'm telling you that would have been some YouTube GOLD if it had been captured.  Fun, and you make an utter fool out of yourself.

Kinect Adventures - Solid pack-in game, nothing more, nothing less.  You'll have fun, and it will likely be the game you show everyone first if you bought the Kinect.

Kinect Sports - So of the group, this is the one that's not so hot.  Turns out my Kinect preview was more about the software I was playing than the hardware, as this is the game (the track and field event) that I played way back in August.  This is easily the laggiest of the Kinect games I've played so far, and the game suffers for it.  Were it not so laggy, this would be a respectable game.  As it stands, it takes 3rd among the "sports collection motion games" behind Sports Champions and Wii Sports respectively.

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit - I've got quite a bit of time in this one, and am conflicted.  I love Criterion, but the more I play this game, the more I realize that it doesn't hold up for a long time in the way that Burnout Paradise did.  I'm glad I've got more time in this now, because it's actually going to change my review score.

Fable III - Pretty much finished here.  Have 870 of the 1,000 Achievement points, going back through with my evil character now to pick up the Cheevo for not being knocked out, as I ended up getting knocked out in a trivial battle because I wasn't paying close enough attention to what was happening.  Once I have that 50, I doubt I'll be playing it much more until the inevitable DLC comes out.

So yeah, how in the world do I balance all these games???  I'm only one guy, with a wife and a kid.  Answer, I don't.  One or more will certainly be getting neglected.

December 20, 2010

Review: Fable III

Fable III

Fable III puts you in the shoes of the son of the Hero you played in the previous game.  Unfortunately for you, and for the rest of Albion, you also have a tyrant for an older brother that now has the throne.  The story follows you as you seek to overthrow your brother and make a better Albion for all.

Welcome to Fable II.V as I would put it.  Just enough has changed to not make you jump to the conclusion that this could easily have been put out as an expansion to Fable II.  Some things have changed for the better (Hooray for playable co-op!) and others not so much.  (Oh expression wheel, how I miss you)

So why do I want this game?

You want this game because it is certainly more of what made Fable II great.  A compelling story, an easy to learn combat system, and expansive fantasy environments with numerous side quests to explore carry on the torch for the Fable series.  The experience system has changed for the better, as those of you who are Fable II veterans will remember the frustration of needing "specific" experience in order to purchase upgrades for various attributes for your character.  This has been scrapped in favor of a straight forward system where you're collecting guild seals for defeating monsters, completing quests, and making friends with the townspeople.  It's a welcome change from the previous system in my opinion, and one of the changes that certainly needs to stick around for the inevitable Fable IV.

Another of the big changes, the magic system, I'm still not sure if I like or not even with 41.5 hours in the game.  Fable II allowed you to assign different levels of magic to your character.  The longer you held your magic button the more powerful the spell that you would eventually use.  You could slot these different levels of spells with whatever spell type you wanted.  So at every level, you could theoretically cast a different spell if you liked.  Like many features from Fable II, Fable III removes this ability and instead introduces the concept of spell weaving.  This is the ability to combine two spells to create various effects after you obtain this ability in the game.  It's a neat idea in concept, but in practice I found myself only ever using Fireball + Lightning to stun my enemies with the electrocution and torch them with the fireball.  No other combination seemed nearly as useful.  I get the feeling if the other combinations were more effective that I wouldn't miss the level system from the previous game.  Unfortunately, this is what we've got, and it seems like an idea that wasn't nearly as fleshed out as it should have been.

Fortunately what we did get is worthwhile co-op!  As someone who painfully completed the campaign for Fable II with someone co-operatively, I can tell you that the co-op this time around is vastly improved.  Gone is the generic "henchman" for the second player.  Instead you can bring your real character into the game and receive all the benefits from playing the game and take them back to your own.  The only downside, and this is something that should have been able to have been overcome, is that none of the game events are saved to your file.  While this is both a blessing (yay double experience for quests!) and a curse (I'm doing this quest again?) it's a shame that Lionhead couldn't find a way to save your progress even while playing with a friend in their world.  Borderlands found a way to do it, there's no reason we couldn't have seen it here as well.  In addition to this, probably the most glaring issue, the camera being tied to the host, has been fixed as well.  Though I can't seem to get the teleport function to work properly, I'll forgive that for having the ability to control my own camera.  Lionhead is nearly there, I'll expect Fable IV's co-op to be without issue.

The last of the major plusses for the game is the Sanctuary.  Instead of the standard pause menu and myriad levels of menus to wade through, Fable III allows you to handle all your needs in the Sanctuary.  When you press Start, you're fairly instantly teleported to the Sanctuary regardless of what is occurring on screen at the time.  The fact that there is nearly no load time here is quite impressive.  Here you can head to one of a few rooms to select new weapons, outfits, view achievements, view stats, or generally change any option in the game.  Believe it or not, the "virtual mall" approach is light years better than the previous menu system.  With outfits and weapons you can easily see what you're about to equip and decide if you really want them or not rather than have to page through even more menus as before.

So why don't I want this game?

Admittedly, this section is going to apply more to veterans of the series than someone who is picking up Fable III having never played either of the previous games.  These things don't matter as much if you don't know what you were missing in the previous games, as I think you're more likely to accept them if you don't know that there used to be something better.  That said...

First and foremost, the graphics engine looks as though it hasn't been touched since the previous game.  If this is a new game engine, it's a completely underwhelming rewrite.  While the game in most respects is beautiful, there are very glaring issues with texture pop-in, collision detection, and framerate problems in many circumstances.  None of them make the game unplayable, but they're very jarring.  I can count numerous occasions where you can see the game go almost from standard definition to high definition after finally loading the proper textures.  I've seen more than one occasion where while digging I'll plunge my shovel right through poor Cookie (Yes, named after my real dog) and have her see no ill effect.  In Fable II, this was forgivable.  It was the first outing on a new console from the series, and an overall great job despite these problems.  Now with a game under their belt and nearly two years to the day later, nothing has been done to improve the graphics engine.  This is outright lazy, and Lionhead needs to be taken to task for this.  If no work was done to improve the game engine, it stands to reason that the two years taken to develop this game were merely to create a new story, add the much balleyhooed ability to "touch" other characters, and remove a lot of features that players actually liked.

Speaking of removing things, I turn my critical eye toward what was left out.  Chief among these things is the expression wheel.  The new expression system, for the sake of streamlining the experience I suppose, allows for one "good" action, one "bad" action, and one miscellaneous action where context provides.  You have no ability to choose what actions will appear for you, you're just stuck with what apparently randomly appears.  So if you've chosen the prince, you quite possibly will receive "Dance" as your "good" expression even if talking to another guy.  While this is fine if you've chosen to play your character in that fashion, for those of us playing straight characters, it's a bit frustrating.  In a game that's supposed to be meant to be all about crafting your unique experience, not having the ability to use all the expressions at your disposal when you like is a step backward.

The dog, sadly, is another piece of the game that just isn't as good as the previous game.  In the previous game, you could find upgrades that allowed your dog to attack better, find better treasure, and perform various tricks just as in this game.  However, it just seems that the dog has very much lost his importance in the game, and after having him be so integral to the previous chapter of the game, it's both disappointing and baffling that this particular design decision was made.  It may be that I haven't played through my "evil" character far enough yet (only 3.5 hours) to see the changes, but before your dog's appearance was tied to your decisions, and at the moment, despite my slaughtering of entire towns of innocents, my dog appears none the worse for wear.  I seem to recall many more free available breeds as well, where only two come with the game this time.  This may have been added via DLC last time, I can't recall, but I'm certain that we weren't held up for 240 MS Points just for the privilege of adding a few more breeds.  A nice chunk of, you know, *game* came along with the MS Points spent for that DLC.  As much as I would love to change my dog to a Doberman, it goes against my principle of never buying virtual clothes, which for all intents and purposes is what this is.

The last of my complaints is the constant nagging from Jasper to buy things from the store.  A suggestion once in every 50 wouldn't be so bad, but it seems as though every other time I hit the Sanctuary he's telling me that new bits and bobs are available.

The Verdict

Despite problems that should have been fixed and features that should have been included, Fable III is still a great game.  Lionhead packed a boatload of content into the game, as evidenced by the 41.5 hours I've put into the game and still not having picked up all 1,000 achievement points.  While Fable veterans will certainly get the feeling that something is just not quite "right" about this game, newbies will know no difference, and even veterans won't be able to deny that the hallmarks of Fable, a good story, grand environments, and an overall good time are still in the package.

  • Grand environments with plenty to discover and side quests to complete
  • Epic story drives the game and motivates the player to keep moving the story forward
  • Worthwhile co-op
  • Improved experience system
  • Graphics unchanged since Fable II, with the same pop-in, framerate, and collision detection issues present in the last game
  • Magic system could have been improved to make more spell weaving combinations actually useful 
  • Constant monetization attempts are very annoying... our $60 wasn't enough?

Score:  4 out of 5 stars - Worth Owning

December 15, 2010

Why Kinect Really Is Magical

Kinect Sensor with Kinect Adventures!

Just so you don't think you're lost, or that some whacko has hacked my blog, yes, I am the same guy that just four months ago posted my less than stellar initial impressions of Kinect. However, being a tech enthusiast, gaming enthusiast, and heck, I'm a game blogger, and the fact that I stumbled into some money I didn't know I was going to get, I bought the thing. My impressions as a hardcore gamer of the experience will come later, but this post isn't about me. It's about my wife. You see, after setting it up last night, a truly magical thing happened.

My wife played a video game with me.

And had fun.

Now this is utterly stupefying because, God love my wife, she's not a gamer. The only games she plays well at all are Tetris and Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine. And it's been a secret desire of mine for a long long time that somehow, someway, it would click for her and we could share what is probably one of my biggest passions together. While I like those two games, I certainly yearned for a more "meaty" experience to share with Mrs. DaringOne. She just doesn't work a controller terribly well, and she is very obviously the Kinect demographic.

But I have to step back a bit to the first part of the night after I'd just set it up. I decided to check out Zune to play around with the voice commands. My wife was interested in this, and I showed her "Xbox, fast forward. Faster. Faster. Play." Then I handed her the keys and said, "Give it a shot. Just talk to it." So she went with, "Xbox, Pause." And so it did. And it was at that moment that I could see the magical *click* in her eyes that said "that's really cool". So after a little while we put in Kinect Adventures, and played a couple of games of Rally Ball together. We had a blast together, and laughed hysterically at a few of the pictures that it took while we were playing. It was at that point that a friend of mine who also just bought Kinect logged in and we checked out Video Kinect.

Video Kinect is great for the simple fact that anyone with a 360 and Kinect is afforded video chat abilities. Much like Apple's FaceTime, the power of convenience makes this application. My wife was ecstatic to be able to see her friend in Florida while we froze here in Ohio. We spent a good hour and a half talking with our friends in Florida before we finally went to bed.

My opinion of Kinect, as a hardcore gamer, hasn't changed much. It's a bit more responsive than the first time I played, but overall I still find it to be somewhat laggy but with potential in the hands of the right developer.

But I'm not the target demographic. When Kinect was announced at $149, I seriously had no idea what demographic they were shooting for. Clearly, my wife is the target demographic. The non-gaming, no real interest in games, never really played games, and doesn't ever want to hold a controller person, who has someone in their life that's a gamer is the demographic. Also, children, most certainly children are a big part of this demographic as well. Granted, this is apparently a small demographic, but when you think of the number of Xbox 360 consoles out there in homes, this isn't as small a demographic as you'd think. If they can extract another $150 from even a quarter of their install base, not to mention software sales and licensing, this thing will be a booming success.

December 3, 2010

Xbox Live Survey "Live", Earning Possibilities Detailed

Teehee. Couldn't resist. Anyhow, if you joined the Xbox Rewards Program like a good boy or girl, you can now head to the website and find a five question survey worth 20 MS Points. In addition, this appears to be a monthly occurrence, as the site has been updated to include what you can do to earn points, and how many you earn for each activity. Among the low hanging fruit, activate Netflix or buy any Marketplace content to pick up 100 points each. Also, much like Sony's offering, there do appear to be contests available to enter as well. Currently you can enter once per day to win a home theater upgrade.

All in all, sounds like a great start to a great program!

SPLODE AGAIN! Ms. Splosion Man Charring Scientists Soon

Joystiq reports that the Twisted Pixel crew is at work on a Splosion Man sequel of sorts.  Ms. Splosion Man, with a nod to Ms. Pac-Man, "carries on what we did with Splosion Man and adds more awesomeness" according to studio CCO Josh Bear.  Having sunk plenty of time into this game, and actually having "Donuts, Go Nuts!" on my iPod, I think that tells you the level of excitement I have for this game.  Unfortunately, no release window has been given yet.

UPDATE:  Fall 2011 is the date given for everyone to splode again.  Again, Joystiq has the coverage.  Also, check out the great trailer on the same page!

December 1, 2010

Microsoft Announces Xbox Live Rewards

Major Nelson announced today via his blog that Microsoft is rolling out the Xbox Live Rewards program. Very similar to Sony's program, Xbox Live will reward you with Microsoft points for playing new games, watching movies, buying content, and more. From the looks of the program, they one-up Sony simply by crediting back some of the thousands of points we continually spend rather than simply promising entries to contests, etc. The program is open today, so go sign up!